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    Use our smart quote questionnaire to provide a few details about your painting job.

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    After reviewing quotes, simply choose the best painter to complete your job.

Why choose PaintAccess?

Why choose PaintAccess?

  • Painters you can trust

    We carefully review painters’ licenses and certifications before connecting them with customers. We connect you with the best professionals painters in Australia

  • Get quotes quickly

    We have many painters in our directory who are ready to send you quotes straight away so you won't have to wait long to get a quote.

  • 24/7 support from PaintAccess

    Unlike other marketplace sites, we care about our customers and we’re ready to support you 24/7 by email, SMS or phone.

Our Talented Painters

  • Specialties : Residential Painting, Commercial Painting, New builds, Existing Repaints, Strata, Medical Centres,
    Driveways, Fences, Decks, Roof Painting and etc.

    Laurence Coatings commitment to excellence is evident in every stroke of our brushes. Leveraging years of experience and industry expertise, they consistently deliver high-quality workmanship that sets them apart. They believe in making professional painting services accessible, offering competitive prices without compromising on quality.


    Certified Painter



  • Specialties : Strata Painting, Apartment Painting, Spray painting, Kitchen cabinet painting, Heritage Painting, Epoxy Painting, Line Marking, Floor / epoxy floor painting and etc.

    Chromaholic Painting range of services is as diverse as their clients’ needs, encompassing everything from residential makeovers to industrial coatings. Whether it’s the delicate restoration of heritage properties, the precision of line marking, or the robust needs of industrial spaces, Chromaholic Painting has the expertise and equipment to deliver superior results.


    Certified Painter



  • Specialties : painting by hand (brush and roller) and using paint sprayers, application of decorative paints and finishes, including Venetian plasterwork.

    Goldline company has been working in the painting and construction industries for more than 20 years. Painters have extensive experience in applying decorative coatings to indoor and outdoor surfaces. Goldline can complete all types of painting and decorating work to meet your preferences and specifications.


    Certified Painter



  • Specialties : Strata Painting, Apartment Painting, Spray painting, Kitchen cabinet painting, Heritage Painting, Epoxy Painting, Floor / epoxy floor painting and etc.

    DJB Painting has been trained to a high standard in Europe, ensuring that they deliver top-quality services every time. They take immense pride in their workmanship and always strive to exceed their clients' expectations. DJB Painting offer a comprehensive range of painting services, including both interior and exterior applications, tailored to meet your specific needs and enhance the beauty of your space.


    Certified Painter




How long does it take to find a painter through PaintAccess ?

It’s not uncommon to get quotes within 12 hours of making a request, though it can depend on where you’re located. We have talented painters located throughout Australia and we’re adding new certified painters every day, but we’re not quite at 100% coverage just yet. If you don’t get a quote as quickly as you’d like, get in contact with us and we’ll try to put you in touch with a new painter in your area who is about to join, or a painter we know or trust near you.

Why choose PaintAccess to find a painter?

PaintAccess is the oldest (and, we argue, still the best) online paint and paint accessories supplier in Australia. While all the other paint supplies businesses were selling over the counter, we were selling Australia-wide. And we still do. That means we have a great network of professional painter customers located throughout Australia.

Are there any painters who can do commercial painting as well?

You’ll find most professional painters can complete commercial work, but some specialise in it. It’s best to have a look at a couple of listings on PaintAccess to pick the painters that’s right for your project.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a painter?

Experience, quality, and customer service.

How much does it cost to hire a painter through PaintAccess?

Exactly what it would cost you to hire the same painter if you stopped them in the street and asked for a business card - absolutely nothing. There are no fees for customers requesting quotes from painters on PaintAccess.