Sell your used paint sprayer with PaintAccess

  • 0% commission, no subscriptions, no hidden costs; list your paint sprayer for free and get the 100% of the sale price
  • Advertise your paint sprayer to a large Australian audience
  • No need to spend money on ads or a sales website
  • Start selling right away; no need to wait weeks for approval
  • 24/7 PaintAccess support ready to help you
List my paint sprayer

Why should you sell your paint sprayer with PaintAccess?

Why should you sell your paint sprayer with PaintAccess?
  • 75,000+ visitors per month to 

    75,000+ visitors per month to 

  • It’s easy to start selling - no technical skills required

    It’s easy to start selling - no technical skills required

  • No commissions or hidden costs

    No commissions or hidden costs

Start selling your used paint sprayers on PaintAccess and get paid instantly

Do you have an old, used paint sprayer you want to sell so that you can invest the money into a newer model? Have you recently stopped painting and have some tools you’re ready to move on?
Sell them with PaintAcces today. Simply fill out the form (with details including model, serial number, year, location and contact information) and click submit. Once done, our PaintAccess team will review your advertisement and either approve it within 24 hours or request additional details.
Once approved, we’ll publish your listing on To buy a paint sprayer from you, customers will contact you directly. PaintAccess is simply a platform to help you sell your used equipment. By listing your used paint sprayer with BorisDoes, you agree to all relevant terms and conditions.

Sell my paint sprayer

PaintAccess - used paint sprayer sales FAQs

Is there a cost associated with selling my used paint sprayer here on PaintAccess? 

No. There are no fees, service charges or commissions. A seller or buyer’s financial institution may still impose transaction fees that are beyond the control of PaintAccess and PaintAccess does not benefit from such transaction fees.

Does PaintAccess guarantee the quality or condition of used paint sprayers sold here? 

No. The quality of a used paint sprayer should match any description used by the seller to promote it for sale, and it is the seller’s responsibility for ensuring the description of their paint sprayer is accurate. 

Do I need to be in Australia to sell my paint sprayer through PaintAccess?

Yes. Initial advertising has focused on the Sydney metropolitan area and we expect most sellers and buyers to be from Sydney to begin with. That said, you can arrange with a seller to have a purchased paint sprayer delivered to you in your state, at your cost. This needs to be agreed with the seller and a seller can refuse to ship their used paint sprayer interstate.

Can I sell my brand new paint sprayer here? 

No, our paint sprayer sales service is dedicated to used paint sprayers only. If you’re looking to buy a brand new paint sprayer, check out our relevant categories. 

Can I sell paint sprayer accessories here? 

Yes, you can sell used paint sprayer accessories here too, as long as you identify them properly, describe them accurately, and make it clear what make and model the accessory suits.

Can I lease or hire a paint sprayer here? 

No. PaintAccess has a paint sprayer hire service for small business, contractor, tradie, and DIY painters but this service is designed for the sale of used paint sprayers and paint sprayer accessories only. PaintAccess may remove any advertisements that.

Can my advertisement be removed? 

Yes, the PaintAccess team can remove an advertisement at any time, for any reason. The most common reasons are non-compliance with our terms and conditions, use of inappropriate language, or obviously inaccurate descriptions of items (based on the experience and expertise of our team members). We will always attempt to discuss any issues with posters where appropriate but decisions about removal or refusal to publish an advertisement are final.

Start selling with PaintAccess now

Sell my paint sprayer